Illinois Authors

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Sugar Rautbord

Born: N/A
Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Sugar Rautbord lives in Chicago.

Biography: Sugar Rautbord is the author of three bestselling novels. She has been a contributing editor to Town & Country, Connoisseur, and Chicago Magazine and is nationally recognized for her fund-raising and civic work. Sugar Rautbord lives in Chicago, where she heads a consulting firm.


Primary Audience(s): Adult readers

Sugar Rautbord on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

  Girls in high places
ISBN: 0861887085 OCLC: 17441438

Piatkus, 1988.

  Girls in high places /
ISBN: 0586201629 OCLC: 153916796

Grafton, London : 1988.

Sweet revenge
ISBN: 0679413871 OCLC: 25202638

Villard Books, New York : 1992.

As popular fashion model Fling is laid to rest--an apparent suicide--her mourners dream of avenging her death, secretly blaming Kingman Beddell, Fling's millionaire husband.

  The chameleon
ISBN: 9781599955674 OCLC: 812193098

Warner Books, New York : ©1999.

A poor girl rises to become America's ambassador. She is Claire Organ of Chicago, the daughter of a shop girl. She becomes a fashion specialist for a department store, marries a Wasp and begins her climb. Her husbands and lovers include a father-in-law.

The chameleon /
ISBN: 0446608157 OCLC: 45206188

Warner Books, New York : 2000, ©1999.


