Illinois Authors

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Joseph Louis Iannino

Pen Name: Joey Iannino, JL Iannino

Connection to Illinois: Iannino is from Lombard.

Biography: Joseph Louis Iannino is a self-taught writer from Lombard, Illinois, with no college degrees or formal education in English or literature. Going from a child with reading and comprehension disabilities to a young adult who despised all things literature, he has taken his biggest fear and insecurity and made it his greatest strength and opportunity by not only becoming an avid reader at the age of twenty-seven but then becoming the author of nineteen books. His titles include eleven novels, three books of short stories, four works of nonfiction, and a book of poems. "I never wanted to write a book," says Iannino. "All I wanted was freedom. So, I started writing. And I freed myself." He resides in Denver, Colorado, but lives wherever writing and life take him.


Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction; Non-Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Adult readers


Selected Titles

A Lonely Road Filled with Joy and Happiness

Independently Published 2024

Over three years, J.L. Iannino composed typewritten letters and notes and mailed them to loved ones, a lost art these days. Most of these letters came during his time in Los Angeles, California, in 2022, where he lived for eight months. The author did not intend for these specific letters, addressed to five people, to be anything beyond what they were at the time. Now he offers the reader a look into his travels and "wild mind," as he calls it, with this book, A Lonely Road Filled with Joy and Happiness. This title is synonymous with The External Journal from a different perspective.

Get It While It's Hot


Although J.L. Iannino has scattered poems throughout his works, this is his first official book of poems. These poems cover a wide range of topics he sees throughout his day, some notably about his niece, travel, homelessness, loneliness, and women.

Self-Education: What is this teaching me? A book about life

Independently Published 2021

In Self-Education, Joey shares his stories of struggle and adversity, from school to relationships to money, from finding work that fulfills him and daily acts that he practices to become a better human. From learning to growing to living."You are the only one who can change yourself. The path to inner peace begins with you. How you learn begins with you. It all begins with you. The best thing about life is that it never stops teaching, so you always have a choice to never stop learning." And through its teachings, Joey shows us how to live a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

The Study of Nobody

Independently published 2024

J.L. Iannino refers to this volume as a "psychological autopsy," offering his most vulnerable and open self. Through what he considers unconventional essays on various topics, The Study of Nobody covers his whereabouts, finances, overall well-being, sex life, career, family, past, present, future, etcetera. It is synonymous with The External Journal and A Lonely Road Filled with Joy and Happiness and can even relate to his first book, Self-Education. However, diving in and looking deeper, The Study of Nobody intertwines all the author’s published works, making itself a voice for his overall craft and his life thus far. J.L. Iannino has been studying himself since 2019, just before he began writing as a profession. He has only recently, via The Study of Nobody, consciously dissected his work to make sense of it and connect the dots, putting the puzzle pieces together. He shows us by identifying synchronicities and signs he believes life, or his "future self," has placed for him to discover. He showcases an evolution of consciousness, self-awareness, and a philosophy of life. The Study of Nobody leaves us to look inward to evaluate and analyze ourselves, seeing that there may be answers and clues in front of us. Or inside of us.


