Ward L. Churchill
Born: 1947 in Urbana, Illinois
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Ward Churchill was born in Urbana and at the age of two relocated to Elmwood, Illinois where he grew up. Biography: Ward is a writer and political activist. He was surrounded by controversy with his dismissal from the University of Colorado on charges of research misconduct. In 2009 a Denver jury determined that he had been wrongly fired.
Website: http://www.wardchurchill.net/
Ward L. Churchill on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=ward+l.+churchill
Selected Titles
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A little matter of genocide : ISBN: 0872863239 OCLC: 35029491 City Lights Books, San Francisco : ©1997. Ward Churchill has achieved an unparalleled reputation as a scholar-activist and analyst of indigenous issues in North America. Here, he explores the history of holocaust and denial in this hemisphere, beginning with the arrival of Columbus and continuing on into the present. He frames the matter by examining both "revisionist" denial of the nazi-perpatrated Holocaust and the opposing claim of its exclusive "uniqueness," using the full scope of what happened in Europe as a backdrop against which to demonstrate that genocide is precisely what has been-and still is-carried out against the American Indians. Churchill lays bare the means by which many of these realities have remained hidden, how public understanding of this most monstrous of crimes has been subverted not only by its perpetrators and their beneficiaries but by the institutions and individuals who perceive advantages in the confusion. In particular, he outlines the reasons underlying the United States's 40-year refusal to ratify the Genocide Convention, as well as the implications of the attempt to exempt itself from compliance when it finally offered its "endorsement." In conclusion, Churchill proposes a more adequate and coherent definition of the crime as a basis for identifying, punishing, and preventing genocidal practices, wherever and whenever they occur. -- Provided by publisher. |
Acts of rebellion : ISBN: 041593155x OCLC: 54352944 Routledge, New York : 2003. |
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Agents of repression : ISBN: 0896086461 OCLC: 50985124 South End Press, Cambridge, MA : ©2002. "The mentality and operational priorities of the FBI have remained constant despite the supposed 'reforms' it underwent during the late 1970s. In light of the Homeland Security Act, a measure which formally sanctions many of the worst abuses in which the Bureau engaged a generation ago, every activist in the country should become intimately acquainted with the experiences of the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement. This South End Press Classics Edition features a new preface by Ward Churchill exposing the FBI's recent efforts to prevent a presidential pardon of Leonard Peltier and its ongoing cover-up of a roster of murders of AIM members and sympathizers. Churchill pays particular attention to the FBI's infiltration of AIM and the murder of Anna Mae Aquash."--Page 4 of cover. |
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From a native son : ISBN: 0896085538 OCLC: 34984190 South End Press, Boston, Mass. : ©1996. |
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Kill the Indian, save the man : ISBN: 0872864340 OCLC: 55000637 City Lights, San Francisco : ©2004. Ward (American Indian studies, U. of Colorado, Boulder) traces the history of removing Native American children from their homes to residential schools as part of government policies, 1880s-1980s, which he views as genocidal. He includes photos of victims of "residential school syndrome," and a list of these schools in the US and Canada. |
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On the justice of roosting chickens : ISBN: 1902593790 OCLC: 53998572 AK Press, Oakland, CA : ©2003. The book that caused a media firestorm. An expanded and meticulously annotated version of Churchill's essay "Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens," which had the honor of being attacked by both Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. As far as Ward Churchill is concerned, the record speaks for itself. The "Most Peace-Loving of Nations" has been engaged in brutal military campaigns in every corner of the globe, unceasingly, since its inception. In attempting to forever alter Americans false self-concept, Ward Churchill contextualizes US aggression and the most effective response to it yet--the attacks of September 11th--in a readable format. Churchill has painstakingly chronicled both US military campaigns--domestic and foreign--from 1776 to the present and US attempts to violate, obstruct, and/or subvert International Law from 1945 to the present. Drawing from US military and interventionist history, lessons from Nuremberg and the UN's own voting records, the two chronologies, exhaustively researched and annotated, illustrate a heart-wrenching history of senseless butchery and democracy deterred. In this context, the only fitting question for a nation still reeling from the wake-up call of September 11th is "How can they not hate us?" In his newest offering, Churchill demands that the American public shake off its collective unconscious and take responsibility for the criminality carried out in its name. Introduction by Chellis Glendinning. Ward Churchill (Keetoowah Cherokee) is professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Colorado/Boulder. A member of the leadership council of Colorado AIM (American Indian Movement), he is a past national spokesperson for the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee. A prolific writer and lecturer, he has authored, co-authored, or edited more than 20 books and four AK Press Audio CD's. |
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Pacifism as pathology : ISBN: 1904859186 OCLC: 85830211 AK Press, Edinburgh : 2007. |
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Since predator came : ISBN: 1904859445 OCLC: 63117186 AK Press, Oakland, CA : ©2005. "Labeled "controversial" by politicians and pundits alike, Ward Churchill's scholarship endures the test of time. Rational, angry, yet ultimately hopeful, his is a leading voice against the ongoing genocide perpetrated on Native American peoples. Intellectually cogent while remaining accessible to the general reader, the eighteen essays herein will challenge you to think, and then act, in the fight for justice waged since Columbus' arrival."--Publisher's website. |