Illinois Authors

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Kathleen Clauson

Born: in Macomb, Illinois
Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Kathleen was born and raised in Macomb, Illinois.

Biography: Kathleen earned a BA in German language and literature from Western Illinois University, graduating with honors. After teaching high school German for two years, she decided she would combine her language skills with economics. She also earned an MA in Economics from WIU with a special interest in eastern European economic policies and the supply of labor. Kathleen Clauson writes short fiction, which has been praised for the beautiful imagery and memorable characters. Her story blend real Chicago landmarks with the rich culture, languages, and traditions of Chicago's ethnic neighborhoods.


Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Adult readers

Kathleen Clauson on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

Eva Galuska and the Christmas carp :
ISBN: 1436301602 OCLC: 870338959

A few days before Christmas Jozef Mieszko, a successful young man with a lovely wife and children, unlocks a forgotten door in his childhood memories revealing his uneasiness with a family Christmas Eve tradition. He analyzes his beliefs, discovering a tangled paradox of hidden secrets. At the heart of the story is the family bakery and delicatessen in an old Polish neighborhood near St. Mary's of the Angels, one of Chicago's most treasured churches, known for its roof-top angels and mysterious blue light. Jozef finds his life further complicated by a gratuitous attraction to Eva Galuska, a beautiful enigmatic seductress.


