Illinois Authors

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Ida Chittum

Born: April 6, 1918 in North Canton, Ohio
Died: December 1, 2002 in Bloomville, New York

Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Ida lived in Findlay. She was instrumental in bringing a library to her longtime home of Findlay and was the first woman to act as commencement speaker at Findlay High School.

Biography: Ida Chittum was educated through the eighth grade in a one-room schoolhouse. She was a prolific reader and advocate of literacy. Her love for all living things as well as her warm sense of humor are evident in her many published children's books. She received the Lewis Carol Shelf Award of the University of Wisconsin and an award of recognition for her outstanding contribution to children's literature from Central Missouri State University. She also wrote and published poetry. In addition to her books, she was a popular speaker to school children who she visited along with her talking mynah, Poo Bah. She was an expert storyteller who could make you laugh or shiver in horror or do both at the same time. She was active in hospital work, the American Legion Auxiliary, Cub Scouts and Brownies. She was a friend to stray animals, wildlife and a tireless comforter of the sick and defender of the downtrodden.

  • Farmer Hoo and the Baboons Lewis Carroll Shelf Award of University of Wisconsin
  • Other Awards Certificate of appreciation from Mobile Media, 1975; award of recognition from Central Missouri State University for outstanding contribution to children's literature, 19

Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Children


Selected Titles

A nutty business.
ISBN: 0399203532 OCLC: 707122

Putnam New York, [1973]

When Farmer Flint gathers nuts to sell in order to buy calico for his wife and daughter, the squirrels declare war.

Clabber biscuits.
ISBN: 0811477452 OCLC: 257462

Steck-Vaughn Co. Austin, Tex., [1972]

Farmer Grit finally stops trying to bake the biscuits that are his wife's speciality and concocts something that will help her get well.

Empty Grave

Weekly Readers 1974

Short stories for young readers. Illustrated in black and white.

Farmer Hoo and the Baboons

Delacorte Press 1972

Tales of Terror
ISBN: 0528821660 OCLC: 1364071

Rand McNally, Chicago : ©1975.

A collection of short stories set in the Ozarks dealing with natural and supernatural events.

The Buried Casket

Xeros Education Publications

The Cat's Pajamas
ISBN: 0836811240 OCLC: 6016173

Fred spends a lot of time and effort making his cat a pair of pajamas, but the cat won't wear them.

The Ghost Boy of El Toro
ISBN: 0448169274 OCLC: 12353821

Grosset & Dunlap, New York : 1982, ©1978.

Jason's summer running a tropical island clinic brings him into touch with a witch doctor, superstitious villagers, a ghost boy, and a monster.

The Golden Casket

Middletown, Connecticut: Xerox Education

The Hermit Boy

Delacorte Press 1972

Hiding out from the welfare investigators in his Ozark Mountain cave, the hermit boy is a self-sufficient and hardy local legend.

The Princess Book
ISBN: 0528820958 OCLC: Chicago, IL :

Chicago, IL : 1974

A collection of nine original stories about beautiful and energetic princesses clever enough to cope with the likes of dragons, evil curses, and handsome princes.

The Secrets of Madam Renee
ISBN: 0830901272 OCLC: 1325855

Independence Press, Independence, M.O. : ©1975.

A fourteen-year-old orphan, curious about her origins, becomes involved with a mysterious woman whose crystal ball and erratic ways have earned her a reputation as a disagreeable witch.

The Thing without a Name, and Other Strange Tales from the Ozark Hills
ISBN: 0830902996 OCLC: [Independence, Mo.] :

Independence Press [Independence, Mo.] : 1981

Granny Grit entertains and terrifies her grandchildren with strange tales of her youth and the old days in the Ozark Mountains.


