Illinois Authors

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Kate Noble

Born: N/A
Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Volunteer at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago

Biography: Kate Noble wrote her first children's book after returning from safari in Africa where she photographed animals in the wild. A former teacher with advanced degrees, she is also a volunteer at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. She loves writing for and reading to children.


Primary Literary Genre(s): Fiction

Primary Audience(s): Children; Children; Young adult readers

Kate Noble on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

Bubble gum /
ISBN: 0963179802 OCLC: 26730632

Silver Seahorse Press, Chicago : ©1992.

A mischevious little baboon who lives in a park near a camp finds a bag of bubble gum left in a tent.

Oh look, it's a nosserus /
ISBN: 0963179829 OCLC: 28331028

Silver Seahorse Press, Chicago, IL : ©1993.

The blue elephant /
ISBN: 0963179837 OCLC: 31470346

Silver Seahorse Press ; Chicago : ©1994.

Sassi is a young African elephant who lives in a zoo. She loves the zoo but longs for a big muddy pond like the one she played in in Africa.

The dragon of Navy Pier /
ISBN: 0963179853 OCLC: 35209748

Silver Seahorse Press, Chicago, IL : ©1996.

A dragon on a carousel discovers one night that he is free to move around and sets out to explore Navy Pier.


