Anita M. Charlot
Born: 1965 in Chicago, Illinois
Pen Name: Kandi Bordeaux Connection to Illinois: Charlot is a life-long resident of Chicago. Biography: Anita Charlot International, LLC. (ACI) ACI is the culmination of over two decades of experience and training in the areas of Metaphysics (Spiritual Life Coaching) and Business Management and Marketing. Anita Charlot, President and CEO of Anita Charlot International, LLC., began this journey in the late nineties. As a woman who had experienced a failed marriage, becoming a single mother of two young men and a woman struggling with personal and financial hardships while climbing the corporate ladder along the way, she began to connect with her truth. During this time Anita learned to love herself unconditionally and found the courage to share her voice and her calling of helping others to do the same.In 1999 she created Purrfect Harmony Unlimited (PHU) a company specifically geared towards other women like her. Through the many services of PHU such as; international monthly columns ~ both in print and online, an online ecourse, self-empowerment workshops, public speaking engagements and one-on-one coaching, Anita has taught other women and men how to get in touch with their truth as well. Now almost ten years later, Anita continues to empower countless men, women and teens through her self-awareness services. As of 2009, her vision continues to expand with the creation of Anita Charlot International, LLC. ACI will continue to harmonize the lives of its clients in areas of personal and professional growth...one area at a time. PHU will continue to share in this vision and has now become the publishing arm under the leadership of ACI and will continue to publish, “soul touching,” thought provoking and introspective content by Anita and other authors new to the company. These works promise to continue to assist those who come in contact with them in identifying their true voices while learning how to source their lives from it. Anita has the ability to make even the most resistant person feel safe in her presence. Whether you are the CEO of a major corporation or have lived an alternative lifestyle...you will immediately find comfort interacting with her due to her compassionate, fun-loving and non-judgmental spirit. Anita uses over 25 years of experience in the following areas to assist organizations and individuals alike in getting to the “truth” of their situation while empowering the participants along the way: *Metaphysical and Spiritual Life Coaching*Relationship Coaching based on The 5 Phases of Dating*Deliberate Creation Counsulting*Inspirational Speaking Engagements*Living Purrfectly Authentic Series ACI is prepared to assist you with connecting to your Purrfectly Authentic™ self whether individual, corporate driven, spiritual/educational based, or in relation to personal partnerships and interactions.'''BENEFITS'''With the intuitive insights from her years of personal and professional experience, Anita is able to quickly, effectively and compassionately analyze and re-engineer situations; in such areas as start up business and operations management, relationship communications, self analysis and self-empowerment as well as guided introspection to improve business and personal performance. From teenagers to grandmothers, to those in Corporate America, ACI can tailor services to fit your needs.'''SIGNATURE CONCEPTS'''Anita is known as the creator of The 5 Phases of Dating... ebook and workshop as well as the creator of the self-study course, Living Purrfectly Authentic™.Through these creative vehicles and the hundreds of articles she’s written in the US and abroad, she has touched countless lives assisting others in accepting their truth by sharing her own; identifying and pointing out ways in which one stands in their own way and teaching others how to communicate effectively based on what is really important to them.'''ACI SOLUTIONS'''ACI offers a variety of services for businesses, spiritual and educational institutions, women and youth centered organizations, relationship communications management and personal empowerment tools.
Anita M. Charlot's website : http://www.anitacharlot.com
Anita's Blogtalk Radio Show : http://www.blogtalkradio.com/anitacharlot
Website: http://www.anitacharlot.com
Anita M. Charlot on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=anita+m.+charlot
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