Paul Buchheit
Born: in Chicago, Illinois
Connection to Illinois: Buchheit is a lifelong Chicagoan. Biography: Paul Buchheit, a lifelong Chicagoan and retired college teacher, is an author of books, poems, progressive essays, and scientific journal articles. He recently completed his first historical novel, 1871: Rivers on Fire. His most recent non-fiction book was Disposable Americans, published in 2017 by Routledge.
- 1871: Rivers on Fire 2024 Eric Hoffer Book Award Grand Prize Finalist 2023 Global Ebook Award Winner Chosen as Best Historical Fiction by Pacific Book Review in 2023
Selected Titles
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1871: Rivers on Fire ISBN: B0BZFNYZCR OCLC: Independently Published 2023 1871: Rivers on Fire is part historical novel, and part a love story with interweavings of triumph, treachery, and heartbreak. The book commemorates the sesquicentennial of the deadliest fire in the recorded history of the world -- on the same night as one of the most infamous destructions of a city by means of fire. |
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American History: Left to Right ISBN: B08SGWD5WQ OCLC: Independently Published [Charleston, SC?] : 2021 "American History: Left to Right" is a brief but complete record of U.S. history, written in strict iambic hexameter with an aabb.. rhyming scheme. Despite the poetic form, it should be read as simple prose to emphasize the meaning of the historical content rather than the literary style. |
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American Wars: Illusions and Realities ISBN: 0932863566 OCLC: 154697999 Clarity Press Atlanta, GA : 2008 When many Americans hear that the US may go to war against another nation, they tend to believe there’s probably a good reason for it or that no viable alternatives existor they don’t think about it at all. They trust their leaders to represent them and defend their values. They accept their leaders’ claims that war is to ensure their safety when others wish to harm them. The parties of war play on Americans' basic values to bring them online. The media reassures them that the reasons for war are altruistic that Americans wish to spread democracy and allow others to adopt their way of life. But is this the case? With 24 compelling illustrations, maps and graphs, this book is intended to serve as a tool for peace advocacy. Well known peace advocates respond to 19 of the most common illusions held by the American public which weaken their opposition to Washington's wars. “The American way of war offers a nonstop supply of illusions—while imposing horrific realities far away and, ultimately, at home too. This book is intent on dispelling key illusions and coming to terms with human realities. Between the covers of American Wars, the result is a compendium of insights and hard-won knowledge of the sort you’ ll rarely find in the daily paper or the evening news. The writers are myth-busters who challenge the conventional lack of wisdom that drags the United States into one war after another and keeps us lethally mired in a warfare state. This collection provides us with an array of vital perspectives, opening up a crucial topic that usually remains shut down— what American wars are doing to humanity, under false pretenses and with calamitous results, around the world and in our own neighborhoods. The future is at stake. This book helps us to understand the perils and opportunities of the present moment. —NORMAN SOLOMON, author of War Made Easy |
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Boomer Boys: Connecting the 1950s to the 21st Century ISBN: 145054892X OCLC: 630116195 CreateSpace [Charleston, SC?] : 2010 Boomer Boys is a memoir about growing up in the 1950s. It offers the reader two perspectives: first, a thoroughly researched overview of a fascinating and often misunderstood era that has direct connections to the present day; and second, a nostalgic and humorous return to the lives of two little boys in a typical 1950s neighborhood. |
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Dante's Inferno: A Modern Rendition ISBN: 1087909007 OCLC: Paul Buchheit 2020 This poetic rendition of Dante's Inferno seeks to maintain most of the original intent of the work while updating it with carefully veiled references to current-day political and economic issues. It is written in classical poetic form, with strict anapestic hexameter meter and an 'aabccb' rhyming scheme. |
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Disposable Americans: Extreme Capitalism and the Case for a Guaranteed Income (Critical Interventions) ISBN: 1138671762 OCLC: 962322774 Routledge 2017 Inequality has dramatically increased in America, with few solutions on the horizon. Serious social inequalities persist. For example, the 14 richest Americans earned enough money from their investments in 2015 to hire two million preschool teachers (while the USA ranks low among developed countries in preschool enrollment). Following the Great Recession, the richest one percent took 116 percent of the new income gains, a statistic caused by so many middle-class Americans moving backward, many losing investments in property and experiencing interruptions in work. Author Paul Buchheit looks hopefully to solutions in a book that vividly portrays the rapidly changing inequality of American society. More Americans have become "disposable" as middle-class jobs have disappeared at an alarming rate. Buchheit presents innovative proposals that could quickly begin to reverse these trends, including a guaranteed basic income drawn from new revenues, such as a Financial Speculation Tax and a Carbon Tax. Discussing the challenges and obstacles to such measures, he finds optimism in past successes in American history. Ideal for classroom assignment, the book uniquely pairs historical events with current, real-life struggles faced by citizens, pointing to measures that can improve personal and social well-being and trust in government. |
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Moodclash ISBN: 1481864858 OCLC: CreateSpace [Charleston, SC?] : 2013 A poetic clash of moods: the innocence of nature against the drama of human rights; pleasant memories vs. the ravages of inequality; love and war; melancholy surrendering to humor. Enter within and linger beneath a rose-draped trellis as aria and sonata fill the scented air; treasure the hummingbird and the laurel and the sizzle of cherry wood and the shadowy dawn of an ornamental garden. And as you savor the silence and the solitude, share with me a moment of love and ordeal and dream. |
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Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey ISBN: B0D2121M3F OCLC: Resource Publications 2024 There is much to admire in John Milton's Paradise Lost. Beyond the epic tale of fallen angels and sinful human beings, there exists a remarkable degree of insight into the emotions stirred by the competing forces that impact our lives. Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey uses modern language to continue on that path, to reveal the moments of bliss, anxiety, empathy, deceit, and other emotions that permeate Milton's work while helping us to reflect on our own Christian values. Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey is written for both adult and young adult Christians, as well as for non-Christians who are curious about the biblical story of creation. The great variety of classical poetic structures utilized to tell the story will appeal to those interested in the multinational origins of formal poetry. |
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Sonnets of Love and Joy ISBN: 1639803637 OCLC: Kelsay Books 2023 All the sonnets from this collection highlight the many joys found in everyday life, from the people we interact with to the natural world that surrounds us. They are as uplifting to read as they are tantalizing when recited aloud…. This collection is a soothing experience sure to bring a smile to the face of any readers in need of a reminder that life is filled with promise.—RECOMMENDED by the US Review |
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The Best of All Netherworlds ISBN: 0692110119 OCLC: Paul J Buchheit 2018 What Happens When Artificial Intelligence Gets Out of Control? This techno-fantasy novella follows two men whose sense of adventure takes them “down the rabbit hole” of curiosity into a terrifying mythical country overrun by technology. This disturbing and highly-unsettling kingdom is one in which people have foolishly and dangerously rushed headlong into allowing artificial intelligence (AI) to run rampant with devastating consequences for humanity. Their lack of forethought and adequate research has resulted in a world where humans have been replaced by machines. Technological irresponsibility has produced unrecognizable cognition, twisted logic, and inequity on steroids. This cautionary tale acts as a looking glass for our real world, providing valuable insights as well as a speedbump meant to rein in its impetuous haste. Written for both the technophile and the curious deep thinker, The Best of All Netherworlds is a clarion call for thoughtful, measured, and careful action, given its very real implications in current society. |