William Harmening
Born: 1959 in Springfield, Illinois
Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Bill Harmening was born in Springfield, Illinois and currently resides in Athens, Illinois. Biography: William Harmening is a career government employee in the field of law enforcement. He holds an MA in Psychology from Sangamon State University, and is an adjunct instructor of psychology and criminal justice at Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield, Illinois.
Website: http://www.radiacaltheology.com
William Harmening on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=william+harmening
Selected Titles
The misadventures of Salem Jack & Finnigan Reeves ISBN: 0963937715 OCLC: 429221625 Big Rock Press, Athens, IL : ©2000. Mystery set near New Salem, Illinois; Salem Jack and Finnigan Reeves search for a cache of gold. |