Paul Simon
Born: November 29, 1928 in Eugene, Oregon
Died: December 9, 2003 in Springfield, Illinois Pen Name: None Connection to Illinois: Paul M. Simon lived in Springfield, Makanda and Troy, Illinois. Biography: Paul M. Simon was an American politician from Illinois. He was a democrat and served in the United States House of Representatives from 1975 to 1985. He is best known as the United States Senator for Illinois from 1985 to 1997. He was a former newspaper man and Illinois Lietuenant Governor. Simon was an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988. During the campaign, he briefly captured the national attention and was considered a major candidate. This led to an appearance on the popular television show ''Saturday Night Live'', co-hosting with celebrated singer Paul Simon.After his retirement from politics, he continued to play a role in public life by writing books, and through the Southern Illinois University Public Policy Institute. He founded the Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University in Carbondal ein 1997 and served as director. There, he taught classes on politics, history and journalism. The SIU Public Policy Institute was named for him after his death - The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute.Simon was a prolific author. He came to national prominence in the 1960s, due in part to his well-researched book, ''Lincoln's Preparation for Greatness: The Illinois Legislative Years''. Despite being published 100 years after Abraham Lincoln's death, it was the first book to exhaustively cite original source documents from Lincoln's eight years in the General Assembly. He later went on to write more than 20 books on a wide range of topics, including interfaith marriages (he was a Lutheran and his wife, Jeanne, was a Catholic), global water shortages, United States Supreme Court nomination battles that focused heavily on his personal experiences with Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas (he was on the Senate Judiciary Committee during these hearings), his autobiography, and even a well-received book on slain Illinois preacher Elijah Lovejoy. His last book, ''Our Culture of Pandering'', was published in October 2003.Simon was noted for his distinctive professorial appearance that included a bow-tie and heavy-rimmed glasses.
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_M._Simon
Paul Simon on WorldCat : http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=paul+simon
Selected Titles
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Advice & consent : ISBN: 0915765985 OCLC: 25787642 National Press Books, Washington, D.C. : ©1992. The televised coverage of the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings raised the profile of the Supreme Court in America's collective consciousness, sensitizing the public to the Court's power and deficiencies. The Court was exposed to public view as the last word on abortion, the death penalty, privacy and other major issues of our time. Never again will Supreme Court nominees remain anonymous, nor will Senators be immune from voter rejection because of their decisions on proposed justices. Simon, author of twelve previous books, an historian and professional journalist, chronicles the often tumultuous role of the Senate in confirmation conflicts. The Thomas and Bork confrontations are not unique in our history. President Washington's battle to get John Rutledge confirmed as Chief Justice (Rutledge attempted suicide after being voted down) was a controversial and bitter fight. Politics and scandals, not legal ability, have surfaced in Supreme Court appointments from the beginning. Paul Simon, a leading member of the Judiciary Committee, proposes changing the Supreme Court nomination process to reflect new realities and Constitutional intentions. Supreme Court appointments, the most important decisions that the President and Senators make during their careers, affect the lives of all Americans from the cradle to the grave and from abortion to the death penalty. Advice & Consent emphasizes the Bork and Thomas hearings and reveals the hidden politics that go on behind closed doors. Senator Simon provides his perspective on who was telling the truth in the Anita Hill v. Clarence Thomas hearings, and how he and his Judiciary Committee colleagues handled the explosive issues examined in the hearings. The history of the Supreme Court is filled with surprises, controversial characters and impeachable offenses. Simon portrays the impeachment trial of wild Samuel Chase in vivid detail so that the reader can relive that incredible episode in our history. The author explores dramatic episodes involving Abe Fortas, the first Supreme Court victim of a Senate filibuster, who was saved from the possibility of an impeachment trial by his resignation. Advice & Consent probes the allegations against LBJ's friend Homer Thornberry and covers details of Nixon's rejected appointees, Clement Haynsworth and Harrold Carswell. Although Simon is a lifelong Democrat he criticizes Presidents and Senators of both parties when he feels they abused the nomination process. He is critical of Franklin Roosevelt's plan to pack the Supreme Court, but applauds certain appointments made by Eisenhower, Nixon and Ford. Simon provides the reader with his vision for the future, his historical perspective and his balanced presentation of the fascinating but forgotten history of appointments to the Court of Last Resort. |
Beginnings : ISBN: 0826403670 OCLC: 13497375 Continuum, New York : 1986. |
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Capitalism and sport : ISBN: 9781909026308 OCLC: 858011890 Millions of working class people across the globe talk about, watch or participate in a range of sports, and yet sport is shaped by the drives and contradictions of capitalism. The essays in this collection focus on the politics of, and politics in, sport. They cover football, rugby, cricket, cycling, athletics, boxing and tennis; look at the origins of sport regulation, the impact of globalisation and the place of individual and collective resistance within the world of sport. |
Encyclopedia of sciences and religions ISBN: 9781402082658 OCLC: 849617229 SpringerReference, Dordrecht ; ©2013. |
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Fifty-two simple ways to make a difference / ISBN: 0806646780 OCLC: 55064257 Augsburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN : ©2004. In his book presented for publication just weeks before his unexpected death, Paul Simon issues a simple but profound invitation to public service and servant-like living. |
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Freedom's champion--Elijah Lovejoy / ISBN: 0809319411 OCLC: 42329539 Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale : ©1994. "In this revised edition of his earlier biography, Paul Simon provides an inspiring account of the life and work of Elijah Lovejoy, an avid abolitionist in the 1830s and the first martyr to freedom of the press in the United States."--Jacket. |
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Healing America : ISBN: 1570755051 OCLC: 52271556 Orbis Books, Maryknoll, N.Y. : ©2003. "Paul Simon, former U.S. Senator from Illinois, widens a national debate. September 11th, 2001 changed everything: we are beginning to realize what happens to one of us happens to all of us. And we are beginning to understand that what happens to others in foreign lands also happens to us. Mr. Simon calls for a new way of thinking, and challenges us to new priorities, a renewing of the best American values." |
Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies : ISBN: 9781444328158 OCLC: 676972894 Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester ; ©2011. Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies presents an original discussion in an edited volume of how the links between identity, political participation, radicalization, and integration can provide a scientific understanding of the complex issue of coexistence between groups in culturally diverse societies. Offers a scientific understanding of the complex issue of coexistence between groups in culturally diverse societies. Utilizes original theory which combines social psychology, sociology, and political science. Includes an original and extensive discussion of combining the ... |
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Let's put America back to work / ISBN: 0933893493 OCLC: 17512441 Bonus Books, Chicago : 1988. |
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Lincoln's preparation for greatness: ISBN: 0252002032 OCLC: 213470 University of Illinois Press Urbana, [1971, ©1965] Cat. No. 01.0010 on inside front cover. |
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Our culture of pandering / ISBN: 0809325292 OCLC: 51924137 Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale : ©2003. "In Our Culture of Pandering, former U.S. Senator Paul Simon interrogates the arenas of politics, media, religion, and education to decry the compromising practices that confuse public service with profit making and popularity as he calls needed attention to leadership failures that undercut the best interests of the nation to appease a powerful elite." |
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P.S. : ISBN: 1566251125 OCLC: 40462956 Bonus Books, Chicago, Ill. : ©1999. Illinois senator and presidential candidate, Paul Simon's autobiography is a political who's who of the 20th century. It is also a celebration of American middle class values and integrity. |
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Shoulder to shoulder : ISBN: 9780984134144 OCLC: 491904021 Center for Transatlantic Relations, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Washington, DC : ©2010. This volume generates new ideas and thinking about the roles of the United States and the European Union in a changing global environment. How can the United States and the ED reconcile European integration with a reorientation of transatlantic relations to forge a more effective strategic partnership that addresses global challenges? This book is the result of a unique collaborative project among U.S. and European think tanks looking at EU and U.S. responses to globalization and the need for a more effective and strategic U.S.-ED partnership. Contributors examine a wide range of topics, from economic and financial governance, justice affairs, and human rights to bilateral security cooperation, energy and climate change, development and humanitarian assistance and issues of transatlantic homeland security and resilience. They offer concrete recommendations. --Book jacket. |
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Tapped out : ISBN: 1566492211 OCLC: 49360060 Welcome Rain, New York : 2001, ©1998. Former Senator Paul Simon delivers stirring eveidence of a catastrophic water crisis which will explode upon the global community unless drastic measures are taken in all corners of the world, including in our own backyards. |
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The dollar crisis : ISBN: 1565302176 OCLC: 34875757 Summit Pub. Group, Arlington, Tex. : ©1996. |
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The once and future Democrats : ISBN: 082640202X OCLC: 8109665 Continuum, New York : 1982. |
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The outlaw bible of American poetry ISBN: 1560252367 OCLC: 40783929 The outlandish and often controversial verses of bohemians, beatniks, hippies, punks, slackers, and other malcontents is collected in this primer of the dispossessed. |
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The politics of world hunger : ISBN: 0061277762 OCLC: 578006 Harper's Magazine Press, New York : [1973] |
The tongue-tied American : ISBN: 0826404049 OCLC: 26891324 Continuum, New York : ©1992. |
We can do better : ISBN: 1882605144 OCLC: 31012593 National Press Books, Bethesda, MD : ©1994. A former presidential candidate advocates congressional reform and suggests common-sense solutions for crime, welfare, education, the environment, and the deficit. |
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What should we be worried about? : ISBN: 9780062296238 OCLC: 849787401 Posing the question What should we be worried about? to one hundred fifty of the world's greatest minds, this collection of responses reveals what about the present or the future worries each of them the most. |
You want to change the world? ISBN: 0840753144 OCLC: 156795 T. Nelson New York, [1971] Discusses young people's disaffection for the present social and political structure and suggests ways in which they can bring about effective change. |