Illinois Authors

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Warren Royer

Born: 1925 in Rushville, Illinois
Died: October 14, 2006 in Kalamazoo, Mi.

Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Warren Royer lived his entire life in Illinois untill he retired to Michigan in 1986.

Biography: Warren Royer earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English literature at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He worked as a film director at Iowa State University, as a sports writer for the Champaign-Urbana News Gazette and was faculty member and principal of University High School in Urbana for 25 years until his retirement in 1986.


Primary Audience(s): Adult readers

Warren Royer on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

Memories of the heart :
ISBN: 1878044176 OCLC: 50003261

Mayhaven Pub., Mahomet, IL : 2002.

A look at several rural schools in Illinois by those who taught in them.


