Illinois Authors

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Libby Hill

Pen Name: None

Connection to Illinois: Hill lives in Evanston.

Biography: Libby Hill grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore. She has a master's in geography and environmental studies from Northeastern Illinois University and received her graduate degree in library science from Rosary College (now Dominican University). Hill has been both a school librarian and a college instructor. She also volunteers throughout Evanston on environmental projects.


Primary Audience(s): Adult readers

Libby Hill on WorldCat :

Selected Titles

The Chicago River :
ISBN: 189312102X OCLC: 44922461

Lake Claremont Press, Chicago : 2000.

Offers a history of the Chicago River, covering the geology and physical geography of the river's drainage basin and the engineering measures taken since 1871 to alter its flow and direction.

The Chicago River :
ISBN: 9780809337071 OCLC: 1032289896

A social and ecological account of the Chicago River, beginning with its geological foundations and extending to the present, the book tells how a sluggish waterway emptying into Lake Michigan became central to the creation of Chicago as a major transportation hub. Originally published by Lake Claremont Press in 2000 and reprinted by SIU Press in 2016, this revised edition updates the story.--Provided by publisher.


